Fertility Articles
When To Consider Donor Eggs
This is one of the most common questions patients face when they consider the use of donor eggs to achieve a pregnancy. Unfortunately for most patients there is no simple answer, so we hope that the information provided assists each patient to decide upon the best solution for their particular situation.
Testing and Treating Male Fertility 2020
The current issue of RBMO (Reproductive BioMedicine Online- Dec 19, 39, #6,pp 879) editorial covers our current knowledge of this subject, which is summarised below:
Pre-conceptual health-what you both can do before you conceive to improve your child’s health and future
The implantation, growth and development of an embryo leading to the birth of a live child, is a complex process dependent upon the Genetics and Environment.
Does the recipient of a donated egg have any effect on the child she is carrying? 2019
This is a very commonly asked question and today is dealt with under the heading of Epigenetics. Nature versus Nurture or Genetics versus Environment.
Diet and Fertility 2018
We are often asked what can the patients do to improve fertility. This is one area where an overwhelming amount of misinformation exits and of course the world wide web adds to the confusion.
Sports Supplements in Men, Good or Bad?
- 1 in 5 contain banned substances including stimulants and anabolic steroids
- These contents are not listed on the product and so users will be unaware
NK Cells, IVF, Recurrent Miscarriage- Review of adjunct or adjuvant or alternative therapies (2017)
Adjunct or adjuvant therapy is another treatment used together with the primary treatment. Its purpose is to assist the primary treatment and in the case of IVF improve success rates.
Sperm Optimisation
Disease processes, ageing and lifestyle issues can affect sperm quality, leading to decreased fertility. The maturation process for sperm takes at least 3 months so any form of corrective action will take 3 months to be effective.
How Many Embryos to Replace / Risks of Multiple Pregnancy
Replacing a single embryo, especially if it has been cultured to the blastocyst stage, is the best way of preventing multiple pregnancies, but the decision as to how many embryos to replace is a complex one and needs to be discussed with your Fertility Specialist, after taking into account your individualcircumstances, both medical and social.
Coping with unsuccessful fertility cycle outcomes
When you embark on your first IVF or IUI cycle, it is not uncommon to be full of expectation that this cycle will be successful. While a pregnancy is the case for some, it is not always the case for many. Sometimes people will have to go through many cycles until they achieve a pregnancy and for others, pregnancy will always remain elusive. For those who are faced with unsuccessful cycles, they can often experience a range of emotions that can be both confusing and sometimes frightening.